Imagine and build to grow!
When we conceived inöuqa, we essentially thought of it as a useful and relevant educational solution, adapted to the places and personnel who look after our children. Because we know the challenge that managing individuals and/or groups represents on a daily basis… The work and energy that this implies for you, education professionals.
That’s why we’ve tried to make your task a little easier, and to contribute to their development alongside you. Now it’s up to you to take them into the world of inöuqa and its range of possibilities!
Pro area
When we conceived inöuqa, we essentially thought of it as a useful and relevant educational solution, adapted to the places and personnel who look after our children. Because we know the challenge that managing individuals and/or groups represents on a daily basis… The work and energy that this implies for you, education professionals.
That’s why we’ve tried to make your task a little easier, and to contribute to their development alongside you. Now it’s up to you to take them into the world of inöuqa and its range of possibilities!

Childcare professionals
To you, childcare pros, who have the heavy responsibility of keeping wild hordes of play-hungry kids occupied in a fun and original way…
You leisure center organizers, daycare nurses, children’s play area managers… You managers of childcare centers, indoor activity parks, shopping malls… Hospital directors, hotel owners, independants, teachers, shopkeepers, hairdressers… Local authorities, municipalities, schools… and all the others…
Do you want to keep children occupied in your activities, offer a simple, intuitive play solution and optimize the storage of your spaces? We’ve got the answer: inöuqa!

Health professionals
To you, child health professionals, who take care of our children’s physical and mental health daily, and who sometimes need appropriate solutions…
You, psychomotor therapists, physiotherapists… You, child psychiatrists, pediatricians, nurses…. You, in private practice, in hospitals, in specialized institutes, in adapted centers, decision-makers in communities or health establishments…
Your patients, your publics, have very different profiles and problems: disability, attention or psychomotor disorders, illness, rehabilitation… inöuqa is an accessible, inclusive, and original way of stimulating them.