Throughout the design process, child safety was a priority. From materials to design, our choices have been guided by this ambition. The materials are classified as “non-hazardous”, “non-chemical” and “non-toxic”, so there are no consequences if your child puts it in the mouth for example. No danger to the skin or eyes either. No worries either about the alteration of the units: they resist water, extreme temperature conditions and are robust and resilient enough to preserve their original shape and functionality for a long time. Given their lightness and their rounded shapes, there is no risk of injuries for the little ones, of damage to your floors or of exhausting your eardrums. You’ll see, it’s even very funny to make your playhouse collapse in all serenity. On the other hand, we can’t control voluntary acts of deterioration. An adult or teenager who wants to remove (and probably break) a plug or break a unit to prove that it is not as durable as advertised will undoubtedly succeed. But then we’re out of the recommended use and it’s one less unit to travel with… The only thing to watch out for if this happens is that the magnets are small, shiny pieces and a child could be tempted to ingest them. So be careful, but before that happens, it will be necessary to go through inappropriate and inadvisable behaviors.